
Upcoming events

Browse upcoming events attended by our scientists or hosted by ILRI.

Antimicrobial susceptibility testing

Vaccines and antimicrobial resistance: From science to policy

8th World One Health Congress, 20 to 23 September 2024, Cape Town, South Africa.

8th World One Health Congress

Browse our past events

The transformation we need

4th Global Conference of the One Planet network's Sustainable Food Systems Programme - THE TRANSFORMATION WE NEED

Assessing Soil Carbon in Global Grasslands: The Importance of Sustainable Livestock Practices

Assessing Soil Carbon in Global Grasslands: The Importance of Sustainable Livestock Practices

GLF Sustainable livestock value chain investments for rangeland restoration

Sustainable livestock value chain investments for rangeland restoration

ReAct Africa/ILRI ‘My Turn’ Uganda AMR Symposium

ReAct Africa/ILRI ‘My Turn’ Uganda AMR Symposium

Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development

Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development

Introducing pro-WEAI

Introducing pro-WEAI complementary indicators for nutrition- sensitive agriculture and market inclusion projects

International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)

EnviroCow: Reducing feed costs and GHG emission in smallholder dairy cattle in SSA