News Archive

Credit: ILRI/ Stevie Mann


ILRI’s contributions to wildlife research spotlighted at the WRTI’s inaugural Wildlife Scientific Conference

Kenya government officials visited ILRI's Kapiti Research Station on 18 March 2020 (photo credit: ILRI/Paul Karaimu).


Conservation collaboration: a joint effort to safeguard agriculture and biodiversity

Rangeland of Saurastar, Gujarat India

Hot topic

Ten interesting facts about rangelands

Appolinaire Djikeng presenting to ILRI staff


ILRI’s first in-person town hall since COVID showcases new technology, publications and staff

Cows drinking water in a drying river in Isiolo country, Kenya


New collaboration on pathogen surveillance announced by CGIAR and Concentric by Ginkgo

The team supporting Kapiti Research Station and Wildlife Conservancy at the farewell reception for Bruce Scott and Titus Njonjo who have retired from Kapiti Board of Trustees.

ILRI bids farewell to Bruce and Titus

Unveiling Nature's Minuscule Wonders: With keen eyes and unwavering curiosity, this group of three showcases the incredible diversity of insects thriving within the enchanting Kapiti Plains.

Taking stock of wildlife populations at Kapiti Wildlife Conservancy

Emmanuel Kirwa, a boda boda soil advocate

Transforming Kenya's motorcycle taxi riders into soil experts

Lablab in bloom

New bean genome unveils potential to boost food security and resilience in drought-prone regions