Highlights of ILRI’s and other Rangelands Initiative partners’ engagement at the 46th Committee on Food Security

Originally published on the IFAD social reporting blog.

The Committee on Food Security (CFS) of the Food and Agricultural The Committee on Food Security (CFS) of the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) meets on an annual basis at FAO headquarters in Rome. The CFS is the international and intergovernmental platform for working to ensure food security and nutrition for all. The committee reports to the UN General Assembly through the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and to FAO conference. The 46th session of the CFS was held between 14–18 October 2019 and a number of Rangelands Initiative partners supported and facilitated side events on rangelands and pastoralism.

Read this IFAD blog to learn more about side events facilitated by partners of the Rangelands Initiative, at the 46th CFS.