
Realizing the full biomass potential of mixed crop-livestock systems in rapidly changing sahelian agro-ecological landscapes

Identification and implementation support of mitigation priorities and opportunities in rice-dominated landscapes

Enhancing the value of ecosystem services in pastoral systems

Comprehensive Livestock Environment Assessment for Improved Nutrition, Secured Environment and Sustainable Development

Enabling livestock based economies in Kenya to adapt to climate change: A Review of payment for ecosystem services from wildlife tourism as a climate change adaptation option

Health, environmental change and adaptive capacity; mapping, examining and anticipating future risks of water-related vector-borne diseases in eastern Africa (HEALTHY FUTURES)

Health, environmental change and adaptive capacity; mapping, examining and anticipating future risks of water-related vector-borne diseases in eastern Africa (HEALTHY FUTURES)

Volta Basin Development Challenge: integrated management of rainwater for crop-livestock agro-ecosystems


Global Futures of Agriculture


Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project (KCSAP)

Improving water productivity of crop-livestock systems of the Sub-Saharan Africa

A dynamic ecological simulation model of tsetse transmitted trypanosomosis in Kenya


Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project (KCSAP)