Groundnut farmer in Malawi (ILRI/Stevie Mann)

Gender mainstreaming lessons enhance climate action

In a recent study titled Greener through gender: What climate mainstreaming can learn from gender mainstreaming, researchers led by Steven Lam from the International Livestock Research Institute explore the intersection of gender and climate considerations.

Published in early April 2024, the study examines how insights from gender mainstreaming within the United Nations can accelerate climate mainstreaming efforts.

Reviewing 57 United Nations agency documents, the study identifies areas where climate mainstreaming falls short. 

It proposes three strategies:

  • Implementing multiple strategies: Combining integrated and targeted approaches.
  • Developing institutional accountability: Monitoring progress through robust mechanisms.
  • Adopting a climate justice perspective: Prioritizing vulnerable communities and diverse stakeholders.

Supported by the CGIAR Initiative on One Health, the study underscores the importance of integrating One Health principles into food systems.

Lam, S., Novović, G., Skinner, K. and Hung Nguyen-Viet. 2024. Greener through gender: What climate mainstreaming can learn from gender mainstreaming. WIREs Climate Change e887.

Read the original post on the CGIAR website