News Archive

Local processors peeling cassava


High-quality cassava peel mash technology: Global reach, dissemination, and adoption beyond Africa

Participants of AIDI-L launch in Dodoma


Tanzania launches Africa Accelerated Innovation Delivery Initiative-Livestock project to boost poultry productivity

African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD) co-convened a dialogue with the CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform and CIFOR-ICRAF to ignite conversations on investments in women

Celebrating International Women's Day 2024

A livestock farmer in northern Ghana. (ILRI/Georgina Smith).

Opinion and analysis

Towards gender equality: A novel index to measure the empowerment of women in livestock keeping households

Man with chicken (ILRI/Mann)


Nourishing change: Unveiling the crucial role of men in family nutrition

Photo: Mwanahamisi Singano (left) and George Wamukoya (right) discussing the importance of intersectionality in social protection initiatives. Credit: Fenja Tramsen/ ILRI


Developing intersectional social protection and adaptive social nets in a changing climate

A woman vet prepares vaccine for delivery


How public-private partnerships will revolutionize women farmer empowerment in rural Ghana

The Capacity Development Unit celebrates International Day of Women and Girls in Science with visit from secondary school 

The Capacity Development Unit celebrates International Day of Women and Girls in Science with visit from secondary school 

ILRI research project in Ghana

ILRI research project in Ghana is identifying approaches that benefit women in vaccine delivery