Mali river


This page brings together ILRI and partner resources on Mali. It shows information on projects, news items, research outputs, video materials and presentations as well as ILRI people working in the country.


Edward Okoth

Edward Okoth

Senior Scientist - Epidemiologist

Karen Marshall

Karen Marshall

Principal scientist, Animal breeding and genetics

Michel Mainack Dione

Michel Mainack Dione

Senior Scientist, Animal Health

Todd Crane

Todd Crane

Head of Delegation & Principal scientist, Climate change adaptation

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Group photo of participants at the capacity-building session of the Farakala Multi-Stakeholder Platform (photo credit: Ahmadou Sow/ILRI).


Empowering Mali Livestock Champions and other key actors in the small ruminant value chain: A crucial resource led by the SAPLING Initiative

SAPLING Initiative key results for 2023


SAPLING Initiatives Pause and Reflect moment for the year 2024

Participants during RCoP launch on Tuesday 7 May 2024 in Bamako


A resilient community of practice to improve collaboration in Mali

Livestock market in Mali


ILRI teams up with partners for Animal Health Systems Project in Africa

One Health stakeholders in West Africa


ILRI workshop brings together One Health experts in west Africa to identify areas of collaboration

Une approche « chaine de valeur » pour l’Initiative du One CGIAR sur la productivité animale durable au Mali

BRIEF FOCUS: Feed and health package for improved small ruminant production

Related Publications

Capacity-building of livestock champions and other target actors on behaviour change communication in Mali

  • Sow, Ahmadou
  • Zannou, Olivier
  • Dione, Michel M.

Manual of integrated package for herd health, reproduction and feed management of small ruminants in Mali

  • Zannou, Olivier
  • Sow, Ahmadou
  • Rekik, Mourad
  • Amole, Tunde A.
  • Doyle, Rebecca
  • van der Hoek, Rein
  • Marshall, Karen
  • Haile, Aynalem
  • Dione, Michel M.

Animal-inclusive community-led total sanitation (A-CLTS)

  • IMA World Health

Innovation packages and scaling readiness workshop: Thermotolerant peste des petits ruminants vaccine

  • Dione, Michel M.
  • Jasada, Ijudai
  • Maiga, Assoumane
  • Sow, Ahmadou
  • Zannou, Olivier
  • Rekik, Mourad
  • Hoek, Rein van der

Gender considerations in innovation platforms in the livestock sector in Mali

  • Gning, S.B.
  • Dione, Michel M.
  • Sene, M.T.D.
  • Sow, Ahmadou
  • Fall, Abdou

Climate Finance Mapping in Mali and Senegal

  • Teno, Gabriel