
Comprehensive Livestock Environment Assessment for Improved Nutrition, Secured Environment and Sustainable Development

Climate change and social learning (CCSL)

Gender and climate-risk consideration for research on crop-livestock systems in Africa

Livelihood diversifying potential of livestock based carbon sequestration options in pastoral and agro pastoral systems in Africa

Enabling livestock based economies in Kenya to adapt to climate change: A Review of payment for ecosystem services from wildlife tourism as a climate change adaptation option

Mutual learning of livestock keepers and scientists for adaptation to climate change in pastoral areas

Quantifying weather and climate impacts on health in developing countries (QWeCI)

Quantifying weather and climate impacts on health in developing countries (QWeCI)

Adaptation to climate change for smallholder agriculture in Kenya

Supporting the vulnerable: Increasing the adaptive capacity of agro-pastoralists to climatic change in West and Southern Africa using a transdisciplinary research approach.

Enhancing communities’ adaptive capacity to climate change in drought-prone hotspots of the Blue Nile Basin in Ethiopia

Climate change and small ruminants in extensive systems in East Africa – challenges, co-benefits and options for methane mitigation (CHANCE)


Identifying livestock-based risk management and coping options to reduce vulnerability to droughts in agro-pastoral and pastoral systems in East and West Africa