Belgium confirms two cases of African swine fever in wild boar

‘Belgium has confirmed the outbreak of 2 cases of African Swine Fever (ASF) in their wild boar population. It is the 1st known occurrence of the viral disease in Western Europe since the virus landed in Georgia and Armenia in 2007.

‘The Belgian Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain (FASFC) has confirmed ASF in 2 wild boar near the Belgian village of Étalle, in the southern province Luxembourg. The village is located at a place where many borders meet. It is at about 20 km from the French border as well as 20 km from the border with Luxembourg. The German border is 65 km.

‘The infection was discovered through regular research in wild boar. The Belgian authorities are taking measures to prevent the spread of the virus.’

Read the whole news article on the Pig Progress website: Belgium confirms 2 cases of ASF in wild boar, 13 Sep 2018.

Read more about recent outbreaks of African swine fever on the ILRI News blog: Deadly African swine fever arrives in China, the world’s largest producer of pigs, 14 Aug 2018.