Mobilization of livestock research and extension for food security and poverty alleviation in Mozambique

The project objectives will be addressed through a series of activities for each of the 3 project locations.  While the project activities are slightly different for each location, there are common features:  

  • Capacity building of farmers in dry season feeding techniques;
  • Capacity building in improved animal husbandry practices;
  • Capacity building of community members in the establishment and functioning of a innovation platform;
  • Capacity building of research staff at central and provincial level on innovation platforms and value chain analysis;  In addition, the project aims to sensitize policy makers regarding livestock and its potential in Mozambique as a way of addressing the food security issues in the country.

Into the future
The skills and experiences gained through this project regarding a particular value chain (cattle or goats) can be used for other livestock species and the platform can also address other agricultural issues.

Where, why and how

The project takes place in 2 provinces in Mozambique: 1 district in Gaza in the South and 2 districts in Tete in the centre of the country.  The project aims to introduce the innovation platform approach to better link all the players in the cattle and goat value chain in order to improve the market access of small livestock keepers. 

The project will contribute to the household income and improved food security situation of the selected households involved. Especially in the locations where we work on the goat value chain, women farmers will have greater access to technologies and markets with direct benefits to household nutritional status. Improved animal feeding, housing, and health will contribute to improving market access of small holder farmers through increased number and quality of goats produced..

Project objectives

  • To contribute to strategic and operational policies on livestock research and development so as to increase livestock’s commercial and social contributions to development;
  • To improve technology dissemination and adoption, marketing, farmer organizational capacity and information sharing amongst stakeholders through innovation platforms;
  • To strengthen capacity for livestock research, technology transfer approaches and extension amongst stakeholders in the livestock sector;