Publications Archive

CIRAD, FAO, ILRI and AU-IBAR renew their commitment to collaborate in supporting countries develop their Livestock Master Plans

  • Baltenweck, Isabelle
  • Ossiya, S.
  • Duteurtre, G.
  • Hamon, M.

Inference of admixture origins in indigenous African cattle

  • Kwondo Kim
  • Donghee Kim
  • Hanotte, Olivier H.
  • Lee, Charles
  • Heebal Kim
  • Choongwon Jeong

Potential for quantifying general environmental resilience of dairy cattle in sub-Saharan Africa using deviations in milk yield

  • Oloo, Richard D.
  • Mrode, Raphael A.
  • Bennewitz, Jörn
  • Ekine-Dzivenu, Chinyere C.
  • Ojango, Julie M.K.
  • Gebreyohanes, Gebregziabher
  • Okeyo Mwai, Ally
  • Chagunda, Mizeck G.G.

Mapping restricted introgression across the genomes of admixed indigenous African cattle breeds

  • Friedrich, J.
  • Bailey, R.I.
  • Talenti, A.
  • Chaudhry, U.
  • Ali, Q.
  • Obishakin, E.F.
  • Ezeasor, C.K.
  • Powell, J.
  • Hanotte, Olivier H.
  • Tijjani, Abdulfatai
  • Marshall, Karen
  • Prendergast, J.
  • Wiener, P.

Đánh giá nhu cầu củng cố và phát triển các nhóm chăn nuôi của Dự án Chăn-hênh tại ba xã, huyện Mai Sơn, tỉnh Sơn La

  • Pham Thi Le
  • Nguyen Thi Thinh
  • Lo Quang Thanh

Practices and drivers for antibiotic use in cattle production systems in Kenya

  • Kisoo, Lydiah
  • Muloi, Dishon
  • Oguta, Walter
  • Ronoh, Daisy
  • Kirwa, Lynn
  • Akoko, James M.
  • Fèvre, Eric M.
  • Moodley, Arshnee
  • Wambua, Lillian

Theory of change for the beef cattle value chain in Northwest Vietnam, developed for the CGIAR Initiative Sustainable Animal Productivity for Livelihoods, Nutrition and Gender Inclusion

  • Atieno, Mary Otieno
  • Johnson, N.
  • Marshall, Karen
  • Thinh Nguyen
  • Bravo, A.
  • Le Thi Huyen
  • Tran Thi Bich Ngoc
  • Phuong Nguyen
  • Galie, Alessandra
  • Triana Angel, Natalia
  • Burkart, Stefan
  • Mwema, Emmanuel
  • Notenbaert, An Maria Omer
  • Duncan, Alan J.
  • Peters, Michael
  • Unger, Fred

Pioneers of adaptation in the Kenyan Highlands' semi-intensive dairy system

  • Gichuki, Leah
  • Kiptoo, Emmaculate
  • Maiyo, Nathan
  • Habermann, Birgit

Mapping brucellosis risk in Kenya and its implications for control strategies in sub-Saharan Africa

  • Akoko, James M.
  • Mwatondo, Athman
  • Muturi, Mathew
  • Wambua, Lillian
  • Abkallo, Hussein M.
  • Nyamota, Richard
  • Bosire, Caroline
  • Oloo, Stephen
  • Limbaso, K.S.
  • Gakuya, F.
  • Nthiwa, D.
  • Bartlow, A.
  • Middlebrook, E.
  • Fair, J.
  • Ogutu, J.O.
  • Gachohi, J.
  • Njenga, K.
  • Bett, Bernard K.