News Archive

Genetic gains research to transform smallholder chicken farming in Southeast Asia

Media clippings: media workshop on food safety reporting

The Kenyan dairy and poultry sectors to benefit from a new research initiative

New One CGIAR initiative to transform livestock productivity, nutrition and gender inclusion in northwest Vietnam

Thông cáo báo chí: Khởi động sáng kiến mới dựa vào chăn nuôi giúp cải thiện sinh kế, dinh dưỡng và hòa nhập giới ở vùng cao Tây Bắc

Press release: New livestock-based initiative launched for better livelihoods, nutrition and gender inclusion in the Northwest Highlands of Vietnam

Using participatory impact pathway methodology to evaluate public–private partnerships in the poultry sector in Ethiopia


From breeding to genetic solutions strategy—how a livestock genetics innovation achieves ever-growing impact at scale

‘Safe Food, Fair Food for Cambodia’—Future directions for scaling up the project’s interventions