


Global livestock advocacy for development, phase 3

The Jameel Observatory for Food Security Early Action


The Jameel Observatory for Food Security Early Action


Climate smart digital technologies for agriculture and food security pillar of the AAAP

Colored drawing of chicks in a cardboard box with vaccines


PRomoting and Enabling Vaccination Efficiently, Now and Tomorrow (PREVENT)

Improvement of basal feed resources

Improvement of basal feed resources through multi-dimensional crop improvement and application of spin-off technologies from second-generation biofuel

indigenous poultry breeds

Genome-wide association study in indigenous poultry breeds and varieties

Mapping the issues of Indian donkey and mule population and identify the potential intervention strategies and partners

Mapping the issues of Indian donkey and mule population and identify the potential intervention strategies and partners

Mapping the issues of Indian donkey

Mapping the issues of Indian donkey and mule population and identify the potential intervention strategies and partners

Small Ruminant Production Enhancement Project, Gambia

Small Ruminant Production Enhancement Project, Gambia

Agricultural production

Gender planning

ILRI research project in Ghana

Transforming the vaccine delivery system in Ghana: identifying approaches that benefit women

Feed and Forage Seed Business Models to Support Further Professionalization of the Dairy Sector in Kenya and Uganda