
Global livestock advocacy for development, phase 3

The  project aims to provide compelling evidence, well-presented and communicated, through targeted engagement processes to help investors and decision-makers understand why and how investing in sustainable livestock systems and enterprises in low- and middle-income countries contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

The project builds on lessons and insights from the Global Livestock Advocacy for Development (GLAD) project (2016–2019) that addressed three key problems: a growing negative view of livestock in industrialized nations, low attention to the sector in wider agricultural and broader development discussions, and the absence of a strong community of advocates with the necessary skills to effectively make the case for sustainable livestock in decision-making processes.

This project takes forward momentum from earlier GLAD work, including:

  • A set of evidence-based messages, options and resources – online at whylivestockmatter.org – that help communicate the reasons why livestock matter in low- and middle-income countries.
  • Growing recognition by some stakeholders and participants in international and regional processes that livestock is an area requiring attention and investment, as well as guidance, to help achieve various development goals.
  • Useful typologies of stakeholders to engage and better target communication and advocacy efforts.
  • A growing community of individuals, organizations and networks from different disciplines and perspectives is getting connected, gaining skills and expertise, and joining forces to champion, explain and show why livestock matter.

Expected outcomes

EVIDENCE: Robust evidence is assembled and synthesized showing why livestock matter in sustainable development and how investors can take advantage of it in their programs.

COMMUNICATION: Innovative communication products and channels translate evidence, data and policy analysis about sustainable livestock into products that influence and inform investment choices.

INFLUENCE: Investment choices of global, regional and national decision-makers are guided and influenced by robust evidence, data and policy analysis.

ENGAGEMENT: Coalitions of livestock champions are equipped to effectively make the case for sustainable livestock.