Herd health management training manual for animal health care workers


Objectives of the manual:

i. To provide farmer trainers/facilitators with relevant knowledge and skills to identify and manage pig diseases, pests/parasites for improved productivity and marketing of pigs and pig products.

ii. To refresh trainers’ and farmers’ knowledge and skills to diagnose and manage important animal diseases, pests/parasites affecting pig productivity.

iii. To provide trainers with knowledge and skills on safe handling and use of veterinary drugs, vaccines and acaricides to ensure food safety and environment conservation.

iv. To enable trainers, appreciate the interrelationships between herd health, pig welfare and productivity.


Hasahya, E., Oba, P., Nsadha, Z., Doyle, R., Ouma, E.A. and Dione, M. 2023. Herd health management training manual for animal health care workers. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.


  • Hasahya, Emmanuel
  • Oba, Peter
  • Nsadha, Z.
  • Doyle, Rebecca
  • Ouma, Emily A.
  • Dione, Michel M.