Hung Nguyen-Viet

Hung Nguyen-Viet

Co-Leader, Animal and Human Health Program

Hung Nguyen (full name Hung Nguyen-Viet) is the co-leader of Animal and Human Health Program at the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) and the lead of the CGIAR initiative on One Health. His current research focuses on the link between health and agriculture, food safety, and infectious and zoonotic diseases with an emphasis on the use of risk assessment for food safety management with an integrative approach (One Health and Ecohealth). He was the ILRI regional representative for East and Southeast Asia, the flagship leader of food safety of the CGIAR research program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH) and the chair of the working group Integrating a One Health Approach to COVID-19 Response at the CGIAR COVID-19 Hub. He was also a WHO expert to study the SARS-CoV-2 origins in Wuhan, China in 2021 and is a member of the WHO Scientific Advisory Group for the Origins of Novel Pathogens (SAGO).

Prior to joining ILRI, he co-founded and led the Center for Public Health and Ecosystem Research (CENPHER) at Hanoi University of Public Health, Vietnam where he developed a regional research portfolio on agri- and environmental health and coordinated the Ecohealth Field Building Leadership Initiative (FBLI) in Southeast Asia. He worked for Swiss Tropical and Public Health institute (SwissTPH) and Sandec/Eawag in Switzerland as a postdoctoral researcher in Microbiology, Health, and Environment within the Swiss NCCR North-South.

He has experience working in Asia, Africa and Europe and holds a PhD in Life and Environmental Sciences from France.

My Projects

Improving human health through sustainable value chains in human-animal-environmental interactions using ICT in Vietnam (ICT4Health)


Improving human health through sustainable value chains in human-animal-environmental interactions using ICT in Vietnam (ICT4Health)

A Maasai pastoralist taking livestock to drink from the Olkitikiti Dam


Protecting human health through a One Health approach

Vietnam Food Safety Project

Vietnam Food Safety Project

Safe food, fair food for Cambodia

Safe food, fair food for Cambodia

Health and antibiotics in Vietnamese pig production

Health and antibiotics in Vietnamese pig production

Assessing competitiveness of smallholder pig farming in the changing landscape of northwest Vietnam

Assessing competitiveness of smallholder pig farming in the changing landscape of northwest Vietnam

Reducing disease risks and improving food safety in smallholder pig value chains in Vietnam

Reducing disease risks and improving food safety in smallholder pig value chains in Vietnam

Task force for risk assessment for food safety in Vietnam: Operational research to assist policy and capacity building


Task force for risk assessment for food safety in Vietnam: Operational research to assist policy and capacity building

My Blog Posts

Groundnut farmer in Malawi (ILRI/Stevie Mann)

Gender mainstreaming lessons enhance climate action

Ethiopia vegetable market


Ethiopia strides towards One Health with launch of integrated food safety technical working group

Group photo of the One Health workshop in Narok


Narok on the way to becoming a One Health champion county in Kenya


Informal food markets: what it takes to make them safer


Livestock pathways to 2030: Seven ways to invest in One Health

My Publications

ILRI publication cover

Navigating One Health in research-for-development: Reflections on the design and implementation of the CGIAR Initiative on One Health

  • Lam, Steve
  • Hoffmann, Vivian
  • Bett, Bernard K.
  • Fèvre, Eric M.
  • Moodley, Arshnee
  • Mohan, Chadag V.
  • Mateo-Sagasta, Javier
  • Hung Nguyen-Viet

Farmvetcare mobile application

  • Thang Nguyen
  • Hu Suk Lee
  • Hung Nguyen-Viet

Training report on mobile application of Farmvetcare for Sub-Department of Animal Health and Livestock Production in Lao Cai Province

  • Thang Nguyen
  • Nam Luong
  • Phuong Nguyen
  • Sinh Dang-Xuan
  • Hu Suk Lee
  • Unger, Fred
  • Hung Nguyen-Viet

The future of livestock and livestock production systems in Asia’s food security landscape

  • Alders, R.
  • Kalupahana, R.
  • Hung Nguyen-Viet
  • Rahman, Habibar
  • Unger, Fred
  • Wright, Iain A.

ILRI research on antimicrobial use and resistance in smallholder livestock system

  • Unger, Fred
  • Sinh Dang-Xuan
  • Hung Nguyen-Viet
  • Muloi, Dishon
  • Moodley, Arshnee

Strengthening capacity, incentives and institutions for food safety in Ethiopia: Training of food business inspectors from the Addis Ababa City Administration

  • Keba, Abdi
  • Dinede, Getachew
  • Mekonnen, A.
  • Abate, Gashaw Tadesse
  • Hoffmann, Vivian
  • Grace, Delia
  • Amenu, Kebede
  • Hung Nguyen-Viet