
Napier grass

Overcoming forage challenges in Africa: exploring sequence diversity in Napier grass to fast-track breeding projects at national level

Feed and Forage Seed Business Models to Support Further Professionalization of the Dairy Sector in Kenya and Uganda

Dairy cow

Rwanda Dairy Development Project


Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Small-Scale Irrigation – Irrigated Fodder Development, Phase II


Improved Forage Grasses: Making the case for their integration into humid to sub-humid livestock production systems in Kenya and Ethiopia


EQUIP–Strengthening Smallholder Livestock Systems for the Future Project

Improved sorghum and pearl millet forage cultivars for intensifying dairy systems

Development of new forage genetic resources and their ultilization

TechFit tool to prioritize and select animal feed interventions

TechFit tool to prioritize and select animal feed interventions


Feed Assessment Tool (FEAST)