animal welfare


Delia Grace

Delia Grace

Professor Food Safety Systems, NRI; joint appointed scientist, ILRI

Gezahegn Ayalew

Gezahegn Ayalew

Research Officer II

Lian Thomas

Lian Thomas

Lecturer Veterinary Public Health, University of Liverpool & Jointly Appointed Scientist, ILRI

Rebecca Doyle

Rebecca Doyle

Animal Welfare Scientist

Shauna Richards

Shauna Richards

Post-Doctoral Fellow

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  • Doyle, Rebecca

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  • Lemma, Mamusha
  • Temesgen, Wudu
  • Alemayehu, Gezahegn
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  • Doyle, Rebecca

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  • Berhe, Tsega
  • Gelan, Eyob
  • Mokria, Mulugeta
  • Alemayehu, Gezahegn
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  • Ferede, Y.
  • Lemma, Mamusha
  • Temesgen, Wudu