David Aronson

David Aronson

Team leader, media and communications

David Aronson has worked as a writer and editor at the Southern Poverty Law Center, the US Commission on Civil Rights, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and the US Institute of Peace. He also ran his own communications consultancy in Washington DC for many years. He has written articles and op-eds for the New York Times, the Washington Post, the International Herald Tribune, the Chicago Tribune, Dissent, National Review, World Policy Journal, Foreign Policy magazine and elsewhere. He has served as editor of the Civil Rights Magazine, Teaching Tolerance and Migration Policy Review, testified before the US Congress and worked on a documentary on the history of racial violence in the US that won an Academy Award for short documentary. His New York Times op-ed on 'How Congress Devastated Congo' is credited with helping transform the debate on an important element of US policy toward Africa. The son of an anthropologist, he grew up in Nigeria and Cote d'Ivoire and has spent considerable time living and working in the Democratic Republic of Congo. 

My Blog Posts

University of Edinburgh and the International Livestock Research Institute Renew Partnership

University of Edinburgh and the International Livestock Research Institute renew partnership

Makara market in Phnom Penh, Cambodia


Comprehensive new report tackles food safety risks

Selling pork at a traditional 'wet' market in Hung Yen province, northern Vietnam

Tackling food safety challenges in informal markets: New approaches are needed

Lablab in bloom

New bean genome unveils potential to boost food security and resilience in drought-prone regions

Bushmeat being sold at the weekly market of Yangambi, DRC. Photo credit: Axel Fassio/CIFOR


New study assesses disease risk perceptions of wild meat at the border of Kenya and Tanzania

ILRI's Derseh wins inaugural Neville Clarke Award

ILRI's Derseh wins inaugural Neville Clarke Award

Zoo hippo dies: Found with COVID-19 in Vietnam


Zoo hippo dies: Found with COVID-19 in Vietnam


Le Professeur Appolinaire Djikeng nommé Directeur Général d’ILRI et Directeur Principal des systèmes d'élevage du CGIAR


ILRI and CGIAR appoint Professor Appolinaire Djikeng as Director General of ILRI and CGIAR Senior Director of Livestock-Based Systems

Jimmy Smith

Jimmy Smith, director general at the International Livestock Research Institute and champion of sustainable livestock, set to retire

A royal visit

Full adoption of existing mitigation strategies can help meet livestock methane reduction targets by 2030


Full adoption of existing mitigation strategies can help meet livestock methane reduction targets by 2030

Feeding chickens


Vaccinating household chicken flocks improves nutrition of young children in rural Kenya, leading to better growth


A new model of pathogen transmission in developing urban landscapes

The remarkable life of Alexandre Yersin

Pills for the pandemic: Dieter Schillinger gives an update on pharmaceuticals for treating COVID-19

Climate change is already hitting Africa’s livestock. Here’s how COP26 can help

Reflections on One Health and food systems approaches: Op-ed by Hung Nguyen

ILRI scientist named among climate science's top 100


Peter Hotez at ILRI on vaccines and misinformation

ILRI scientist, Hung Nguyen-Viet discusses his experiences with the WHO team investigating COVID-19 origins


“A virus is a piece of bad news wrapped up in protein”—Sir Peter Medawar


Exploring livestock issues in the context of feeding the world in times of pandemics and climate change

Four ILRI fellows attend World Food Prize symposium (virtually)


Sounding the alarm: The impact of COVID-19 on global food security and nutrition


Remembering Michael Blümmel


International Livestock Research Institute becomes Global Landscapes Forum charter member

When numbers lie

A 1,000-year-old ‘Evolutionary Jolt’ helped African cattle adapt to the continent’s multiple challenges

‘To turn the unknown into the known’: Inside the global effort to bring the fight to viruses

No laughing matter: Livestock enclosures in Africa are an underestimated source of the greenhouse gas N2O

The world needs to learn how to live with COVID-19, says UK public health expert David Heymann

Unite human, animal and environmental health to prevent the next pandemic, says ILRI/UN report

‘A vaccine is coming—the question is how soon’

The power of ideas: New ways of thinking about gender can improve development outcomes

Hot topic

‘A chance to reimagine life in a way that creates greater dignity for all’

Global diagnosis – one health approach necessary

ILRI’s response to the pandemic: A deepening engagement with the press and policymakers

‘Tip of the iceberg’: is our destruction of nature responsible for Covid-19?

When did the chicken first cross the road?

Governor Mutua visits Kapiti Research Station

We need a new approach, or another coronavirus is inevitable

ILRI’s Tarawali to speak on livestock and sustainable development at Edinburgh

How a deadly outbreak unveiled the key to safer food

Can a vaccine save the world’s pigs from African swine fever?

Thursday Links (January 2020)

Thursday Links (November/December 2019)

Thursday Links (November/December)

‘So what exactly are you researching anyway?’

In Mali, an old vaccine can be a new way to fight poverty

Climate change already damaging children’s health, says new Lancet report

Livestock in context: A plea for intellectual rigor and collegial disagreement

The future of livestock in the developing world: myths, complexities and trade-offs

Tropical agriculture conference takes unexpected turn: Toward optimism

Thursday Links (October 2019)

Towards sustainable food system transformations in the Global South

ILRI supports the United Nations’ ‘Decade of Action on Nutrition’, 2016–2025

Workshop inaugurates surveillance project on human and animal diseases in Kenya

Enhancing food security through sustainable livestock systems

The view from New York

ILRI at the Committee on World Food Security

FAO conference on global hunger to launch

Index-based livestock insurance: Reflecting on success

Reflecting on success

Thursday Links (September 2019)

Thursday links (August 2019)

Don’t believe the scare stories, Kenyan milk is a big success

Thursday links (July 2019)

Thursday Links (25 July 2019)

One question, two answers: What happens when different methodologies produce different results?

Advocating for livestock, say its supporters, requires stronger narratives as well as robust evidence

Development policy and practice

Development policy and practice – a case study in disruptive innovations

Thursday links (16 May 2019)

Thursday Links (11 April 2019)

Thursday Links (21 March 2019)

Raising the steaks

Livestock’s future: An opportunity not a threat

Barriers and opportunities for women milk traders in peri-urban Nairobi

Jimmy Smith receives honorary doctorate from the University of Melbourne

Ten questions and answers about ILRI’s Kapiti Research Station

ILRI publishes caveat emptor on Kapiti land grab attempts

Public notice: Prosecutor launching probe into fraudulent land activities at Kapiti

The elusive quest for the perfect chicken

The Tanzanian livestock master plan: A conversation with Barry Shapiro

In Tanzania, a better cow is the way to a better future

Minister headlines Arusha livestock fair

Livestock’s potential in Tanzania is ‘huge’—keynote by ILRI’s Iain Wright at the National Livestock Expo

The Women’s Empowerment in Livestock Index: Indicators for the start of a global, badly needed, conversation

Live tweeting the Global Agenda for Sustainable Livestock