Soil and manure chambers
Gas chromatographs | Gas chromatograph with liquid injection autosampler | Autochambers | LGR N2O/CH4 laser |
4 gas chromatographs to measure CO2, CH4 and N2O concentration in air samples. Also used to measure biogas composition (CO2 and CH4) from anaerobic biodigesters. | Gas chromatograph to measure volatile fatty acids in liquid samples from biodigesters, manure storage, rumen fluid, and incubation bottles. | 18 automated soil-atmosphere flux chambers to measure GHG emissions from soils and deposited manure automatically. | Portable laser absorption spectrometer to measure N2O and CH4 emissions in the field. |
LiCOR CO2 analyser | Picarro G2508 laser | Manual GHG flux chambers | Manure chambers |
Portable infrared gas analyser to measure CO2 emissions in the field. | Two laser absorption spectrometers to measure N2O/CH4/CO2/NH3/H2O from soils and deposited manure. | >300 manual chambers for field GHG measurements from different land-use systems. | 30 PVC chambers for 250 kg fresh manure to measure GHG emissions, leaching losses, fertilizer quality, and mass loss. |