Publications Archive

ILRI publication cover

Multi-Market Models for Livestock Policy

  • Asfaw, Admasu
  • Mensah, Charles
  • Bahta, Sirak T.
  • Enahoro, Dolapo K.
ILRI publication cover

Implementation of a Multi-Market Model in GAMS

  • Enahoro, Dolapo K.
  • Bahta, Sirak T.
  • Asfaw, Admasu
  • Mensah, Charles
ILRI publication cover

General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS) Training

  • Asfaw, Admasu
  • Mensah, Charles
  • Bahta, Sirak T.
  • Enahoro, Dolapo K.
ILRI publication cover

Policy Analysis with Multi-Market Models using GAMS

  • Mensah, Charles
  • Asfaw, Admasu
  • Bahta, Sirak T.
  • Enahoro, Dolapo K.

Foresight study on dairy farming systems in Central Kenya and north of Senegal

  • Perin, Lucie
  • Enahoro, Dolapo K.

Poultry health constraints in smallholder village poultry systems in Northern Ghana and Central Tanzania

  • Ouma, Emily A.
  • Kankya, C.
  • Dione, Michel M.
  • Kelly, T.
  • Enahoro, Dolapo K.
  • Chiwanga, G.
  • Abukari, Y.
  • Msoffe, P.
  • Kayang, B.B.
  • Zhou, H.

Linking ecosystem services provisioning with demand for animal-sourced food: an integrated modeling study for Tanzania

  • Enahoro, Dolapo K.
  • Kozicka, Marta
  • Pfeifer, Catherine
  • Jones, Sarah K.
  • Nhuong Tran
  • Chin Yee Chan
  • Susler, Timothy B.
  • Gotor, Elisabetta
  • Rich, Karl M.

Linking the Dynmod herd dynamics model with the Sector model within a partial equilibrium framework

  • Stepanyan, Davit
  • Bahta, Sirak T.
  • Enahoro, Dolapo K.

Modelling the effects of climate change on livestock: Towards Identifying the priorities

  • Thornton, Philip K.
  • Mensah, Charles
  • Enahoro, Dolapo K.