
Feed and Forage Seed Business Models to Support Further Professionalization of the Dairy Sector in Kenya and Uganda


Improved Forage Grasses: Making the case for their integration into humid to sub-humid livestock production systems in Kenya and Ethiopia

Tuendelee Pamoja II Project

Development of new forage genetic resources and their ultilization

Fodder markets in East Java: Identifying interventions to improve market performance and quality

N2Africa Phase II (Ethiopia)

Identifying, testing and scaling small-scale irrigation options for enhanced livestock feed production

Identifying, testing and scaling small-scale irrigation options for enhanced livestock feed production

Piloting climate-adaptive forage seed systems in Ethiopia (FeedSeed)

Climate-smart Brachiaria grasses for improving livestock production in East Africa

Enhancing beef productivity, quality, safety and trade in Central America


Feed Assessment Tool (FEAST)

Crop genebank knowledge base