Publications Archive

Adapting an entrepreneurial ecosystem approach for climate-smart small ruminant production in pastoral communities

  • Ojango, Julie M.K.
  • Sila, Winfred
  • Oyieng, Edwin
  • Rao, E.J.O.
ILRI publication cover

The role of heterogenous implementation on the uptake and long-term diffusion of agricultural insurance in a pastoral context

  • Jensen, Nathaniel D.
  • Teufel, Nils
  • Banerjee, Rupsha R.
  • Galgallo, Diba
  • Shikuku, Kelvin Mashisia

Predicting risks and guiding animal health actions in Kenya's arid and semi-arid lands

  • Bett, Bernard K.
  • Dhulipala, Ram

Breaking Silos: Towards effective integration of humanitarian aid and resilience programming

  • Mohamed, Tahira Shariff

Rangeland Biophysical Resource Assessment in Southern Ethiopia: Baseline Study Report

  • Eba, Bedasa
  • Ebro, Abule
  • Sircely, Jason A.
  • Ijo, A.
  • Tilahun, M.

Institutional Capacity Assessment for Community Rangeland Management Institutions in Pastoral Areas of Ethiopia

  • Eba, Bedasa
  • Flintan, Fiona E.
  • Iya, Golicha
  • Abdi, Hamse
  • Said, Mohammed

Assessing Opportunities for Establishing a System of Community based Rangeland Health Workers in Ethiopia

  • Ebro, Abule

Institutional Capacity Assessment Report for North Horr, Balesa and Galasa Rangeland Units, North Horr Subcounty, Marsabit County

  • Guyo, Isacko

Institutional Capacity Assessment Report for Biliqo, Malkagalla and Gafarsa Rangeland Units, Isiolo County

  • Guyo, Isacko