
Local governance of natural resources for community stabilization in Central Mali (Kedo Diren)

Local governance of natural resources for community stabilization in Central Mali (Kedo Diren)

Inclusive red meat value chains for women and youth in Eastern and Southern Africa (K'LUSA)

Inclusive red meat value chains for women and youth in Eastern and Southern Africa (K'LUSA)

Colored drawing of chicks in a cardboard box with vaccines


PRomoting and Enabling Vaccination Efficiently, Now and Tomorrow (PREVENT)

Small Ruminant Production Enhancement Project, Gambia

Small Ruminant Production Enhancement Project, Gambia

Gender at scale (Exploring ‘feminization’ of agriculture through gender dynamics across scales in East Africa)

MoreMilk: Making the most of milk

MoreMilk: Making the most of milk

Assessing competitiveness of smallholder pig farming in the changing landscape of northwest Vietnam

Assessing competitiveness of smallholder pig farming in the changing landscape of northwest Vietnam

N2Africa Putting nitrogen fixation to work for smallholder farmers in Africa


Evaluating the impacts of livestock and aquaculture microcredit and value chain programs on women’s empowerment

Gender and climate-risk consideration for research on crop-livestock systems in Africa

Evaluating the Impacts of Agricultural Development Programming on Gender Inequalities, Asset Disparities, and Rural Livelihoods

Evaluating and Enhancing the Impacts of Agricultural Development Programming on Gender Inequalities, Asset Disparities, and Rural Livelihoods