African Chicken Genetic Gains program develops inception strategy for gender integration

(Image credit: L'art au present: COROT Camille,1865-70 - Cour d'une Maison de Paysans aux environs de Paris (Orsay) - Detail 37)

(Image credit: L’art au present: COROT Camille,1865-70 – Cour d’une Maison de Paysans aux environs de Paris (Orsay) – Detail 37)

The African Chicken Genetic Gains (ACGG) Program and the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) have commissioned the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) to develop a gender strategy to provide strategic and practical direction to ACGG ’s gender integration.

The strategy will:

  • Guide ACGG on how to integrate gender in a meaningful, effective and feasible manner. This integration will be based on careful priority-setting of activities and level of efforts, balancing ambition with realism and with a view to achieve ‘deeper’ impact in priority areas as opposed to more ‘shallow’ results across the board.
  • Provide the basis for a common understanding in ACGG of what gender integration means in the context of the program and what is expected from the different team members.
  • Clarify what change is expected to occur and the mechanisms through which this is expected to happen with a focus on links between activities, and
  • Have a strong focus on learning/reflection and knowledge creation/documentation.

The inception gender strategy introduces initial observations made during the third program management team meeting about gender, and continues with a suggested conceptual framework and work plan for the gender strategy development process.

This work led by KIT continued over the next few months and led to the gender validation workshop and report in the course of September 2017.

Read the inception gender strategy.