
Sewage surveillance of antibiotic resistance genes and pathogens from settlements in Kenya

Sewage surveillance of antibiotic resistance genes and pathogens from settlements in Kenya

Circulation of antibiotic resistance genes at the wildlife–livestock interface in Kapiti, Kenya

Circulation of antibiotic resistance genes at the wildlife–livestock interface in Kapiti, Kenya

Local governance of natural resources for community stabilization in Central Mali (Kedo Diren)

Local governance of natural resources for community stabilization in Central Mali (Kedo Diren)

Silvopastoralism and welfare of animals in Borana

Silvopastoralism and welfare of animals in Borana

Inclusive red meat value chains for women and youth in Eastern and Southern Africa (K'LUSA)

Inclusive red meat value chains for women and youth in Eastern and Southern Africa (K'LUSA)

Colored drawing of chicks in a cardboard box with vaccines


PRomoting and Enabling Vaccination Efficiently, Now and Tomorrow (PREVENT)

Global burden of animal diseases

Global burden of animal diseases

ESSA - Earth observation and environmental sensing for climate-smart sustainable agropastoral ecosystem transformation in East Africa


ESSA - Earth observation and environmental sensing for climate-smart sustainable agropastoral ecosystem transformation in East Africa

Regional integrated agricultural development project in the great lakes (PRDAIGL)

Regional integrated agricultural development project in the great lakes (PRDAIGL)

Tick research at ILRI labs


Feed the Future Animal Health Innovation Lab


Asian Chicken Genetic Gains (AsCGG): A platform for exploring, testing and delivering improved chickens for enhanced livelihood outcomes in South East Asia


Management of animal diseases and antimicrobial use by information and communication technology to control antimicrobial resistance in East Africa