
Our Funders

We would like to thank all our funders including those who supported this research through their contributions to the CGIAR Trust Fund.

Africa-Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

African Academy of Sciences

African Development Bank

African Union Interafrican Bureau for Animal Resources



Australian Aid

Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research

Austrian Development Agency

Belgian Science Policy Office

 Bezos Earth Fund

Bezos Earth Fund

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

BIOMIN Holding GmbH

Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council


CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security

CGIAR Research Program on Grain Legumes and Dryland Cereals

CGIAR Research Program on Integrated Systems for the Humid Tropics

CGIAR Research Program on Livestock

CGIAR Research Program on MAIZE

CGIAR System Wide Program on Collective Action and Property Rights

CGIAR Trust Fund

Comart Foundation

Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia

Community Jameel - through the University of Edinburgh

CRDF Global

CRDF Global

Danish International Development Assistance

Defence Science and Technology Laboratory

Defense Threat Reduction Agency

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia

Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development, Canada

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit

Dutch Research Council

Economic and Social Research Council

EuropeAid Co-operation Office

European Commission Directorate-General for Development

European Commission Directorate-General for Research

European Union

Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

Food & Business Knowledge Platform

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Ford Foundation

Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office

French Development Agency

French Facility for Global Environment


German Research Foundation

Global Affairs Canada

Global Crop Diversity Trust

Global Environment Facility

Global Methane Hub

Global Methane Hub


Government of Burundi

Government of Ethiopia

Government of Karnataka

Government of Netherlands

Government of Odisha

Government of Tanzania

Harbro Limited


Heifer International

Indian Council of Agricultural Research

Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique

International Atomic Energy Agency

IDRC combined logo

International Development Research Centre

International Food Policy Research Institute

International Fund for Agricultural Development

International Land Coalition

International Veterinary Vaccinology Network

Irish Aid

Islamic Development Bank

Italian Agency for Development Cooperation

Koepon Foundation

Medical Research Council

Meridian Institute

Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Republic of Korea

Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Kenya

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (France)

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Finland

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Netherlands

National Agricultural Innovation Project

National Fund for Scientific Research

National Research Foundation of South Africa

National Science Foundation

Natural Environment Research Council

Nepal Agricultural Research Council

Nepal Agricultural Research Council

Netherlands Foundation for the Advancement of Tropical Research

New Zealand (NZ) Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation

NWO-WOTRO Science for Global Development.

One Health Research, Education and Outreach Centre in Africa

OPEC Fund for International Development

Research Council of Norway

Rockefeller Foundation

Rural Development Administration

Sir Ratan Tata Trust Fund

Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency

Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning

Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation

Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture

Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation

The Donkey Sanctuary, U.K

The German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development

The Global Center on Adaptation

The OACPS Research and Innovation Programme

The OACPS Research and Innovation Programme

The Republic of India

The Royal Society, UK

UK – Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office

UK – Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office

United Kingdom government

United States Agency for International Development

United States Department of Agriculture - Agricultural Research Service

USAID - Feed the Future

Wellcome Trust

World Bank

World Health Organization

World Organisation for Animal Health

World Resources Institute

Our Partners

ILRI works in partnership with other institutions to facilitate and add value to the contribution of many other players in livestock research for development. We work with a range of partners including national agricultural research systems, non-governmental organizations, farmer organizations, the private sector and other international research centres.

CGIAR Research Program on LivestockResearch/Academic PartnerResearch/index.php/research/ilri-cgiar-programs/livestock
CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE)Development Partner
CGIAR System Office (CGIAR)
Chiang Mai University (CMU)Research/Academic PartnerAcademic
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS )
Chonbuk National UniversityResearch/Academic PartnerAcademic
Chungnam National University, South KoreaResearch/Academic PartnerAcademic
Cirad - Agricultural Research for DevelopmentResearch/Academic PartnerResearch
City University of New York (CUNY)Research/Academic PartnerAcademic
ClinGlobal (ClinGlobal )Development PartnerResearch
Cluster Agricultural Development Services, ZimbabweDevelopment PartnerResearch
Colorado State University (CSU)
Columbia University
Comitato Collaborazione Medica (CCM)Development PartnerNGO
Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA)Development PartnerInternational
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia (CSIRO)
Community Technology Development Organisation, ZimbabweDevelopment PartnerGovernment
Community Technology Development Trust, ZimbabweDevelopment PartnerNGO
Cornell University
Corteva AgriscienceDevelopment PartnerNGO
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Ghana (CSIR)Research/Academic PartnerResearch
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, South Africa (CSIR)Research/Academic PartnerResearch
Cowtribe (Cowtribe)Development PartnerPrivate sector
CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT)) (IICT)Research/Academic PartnerResearch
Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA)Research/Academic PartnerGovernment